Friday, January 20, 2012

New Goals For Your Security System? Six Steps To Consider

It's the new year and with that comes the influx of individuals spouting New Year's resolutions. Will you lose weight? Will you concentrate on improving your relationships? How about just getting organized? What resolutions or goals can you possibly make when it comes to your alarm system? Is your alarm company/system a good fit for you? Consider these six tips:  

1. Save Money
Consider the value your alarm company is for you. Equipment costs, installation, service calls and especially monitoring prices vary considerably. Are the costs practical? Are they fair or overpriced?  

2. Take A Tour  
Take a tour inside your home. When you pass by motion detectors does your light come on? Does your keypad indicate "somethings open?" Are window and door contacts functioning? Try this,...turn on your chime feature of your alarm system. Go throughout your house opening and closing protected windows and doors making sure you hear the chime each time. Any problems, contact your technician. Don't forget to do routine dust and cob web removal from smoke detectors to ensure they are operating properly.  

Take a look around your house looking for loose, cut or exposed wires. Clear spider webs or other outdoor debris covering cameras. This is all apart of spring cleaning but the new year is a great time to do it too!  

3. Re-evaluate Your Needs
Did you remodel your home? Are you planning a remodeling project? What has changed in your home or property that may require you to add to your system? Do you need cameras? Take inventory of what you have and what you need to consider adding. Need help? Talk to your technician.  

4. Upgrade Your System
This could fall under #3 (Re-evaluate Your Needs) but we felt we would give it it's own category. Do you have outdated or faulty equipment? Is your current system not able to handle new technology? Do you intend to add remote arm capabilities or an app? Planning to upgrade to interior cameras to view young kids coming home from school or looking in on babysitters/nannies? Do you need to use highly sophisticated programs? Now's the time to start planning those transitions. Your alarm company can help walk you through these changes.  

5. Dropping Your Home Phone?
If cutting costs in 2012 includes dropping your home telephone service, you're not alone. Find out how no land line affects your alarm system.
6. How's Your Service?
Is good customer service a must to you? How do you rate your current company. When you call for service do they have a prompt response? Do you find your technicians knowledgeable, on-time and do they make efficient use of YOUR time? Have you ever checked reviews of your company on sites like Angie's List or Kudzu? What are other people saying about them?
Being overwhelmed is one result of not being organized.

January is "National Organization Month", it's only fitting that the perfect time to get a fresh start is now! Organize your needs, even write them down when it comes to home security. Once you identify your needs, now and in the future, contact your security company. They would be more than happy to discuss solutions that will fit both your needs and your wallet.