Monday, September 2, 2013

Security Solutions For Temporary Housing

Picture courtesy CavewomanStudios
Ok here is the scenario. You live in an apartment, dorm room, rental house, garage loft or maybe even a cottage on the property of someone's land. You want to be sure you, and the contents inside of your dwelling are safe but your existing space doesn't have a security system and you don't want to spring for the cost of having one installed. Do you have any options? You bet!

The solution is a portable wireless alarm system. Today's systems come complete with windows and door sensors, motion and smoke detectors. Generally, portable systems are straight from the box DIY solutions which usually install with no tools. (That's no holes to drill and no screws to turn.) Just open the box, plug it in and activate. Most systems can accomodate the use of wireless digital monitoring, for a monthly fee, of course. They can even initiate an email or text alert when the alarm is triggered.You can also be your own central station and have the system contact you in case of an alarm.

Basic start-up packages vary in what they give you but you can be sure to receive some variation of the following; a keypad or base unit, window and/or door sensor(s), a camera, or wireless key remote. And although all systems are not created equal prices generally start around $200 and increase with the purchase of additional sensors, accessories or monthly monitoring. 

Possibly one of the best features of these systems, is it's portability. You can quickly and easily remove the system and components from one location and take it to the next, as many times as you need.

So if you need a temporary security solution, rest assured there are realistic options available. A general keyword search on the web should yield you a plethora of choices to explore. Not sure how to choose? Or just need a second opinion. Your security representative can help you better narrow down a system which suits your needs best.