Friday, April 8, 2011

False Alarms: Causes and Prevention

False Alarms. A reoccurring activity plaguing most of the cities and towns of America. Just last week in Gwinnett County, GA, authorities said enough is enough. The county is considering raising fines for false alarms. And it's not just Georgia, other states have experienced the same problem. False alarms are costly, dangerous and divert law enforcement officers and fire fighters from responding to real emergencies. In addition, they waste public resources and desensitize communities to actual incidents of crime and fire. They can make you reluctant to arm your system, exposing your home and property to undetected theft or fire. False alarms can also lead to neighbors ignoring your alarm when it is activated and costs citizens time, personal security and money as many jurisdictions are imposing costly fines for excessive false alarms.

There are various reasons behind the causes of false alarms but user errors account for many. Here are a few:

*Weak or depleted batteries
*Open, unlocked loose fitting or defective doors or windows
*Domestic help, house cleaners, house sitters, pet sitters, contractors and the like
*Inadequate training of all those allowed access to your home and alarm system
*Drafts from heaters/air conditioning systems and open windows move plants, curtains, etc. setting off motion detectors
*Pets that set off motions

So what about prevention? Here are just a few ways to combat false alarms. Check with your alarm provider about additional ways to prevent false alarms.

*Be sure and lock all doors and windows
*Repair broken windows, latches or doors to ensure they don't malfunction or become ajar and cause an accidental activation
*Secure moving items such as curtains, decorations even pets. Be sure they are not in the path of motion detectors.
*Schedule a service call if your alarm is not working properly

Following these simple steps can greatly reduce the possibility of having false alarms. If you have house guests or domestic helpers be sure and take the time to ensure they are familiar with procedures in arming and disarming the alarm system and canceling false alarms.

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